What you can expect when you complete the form or call to request help.
- You’ll be asked to fill in the form or leave a voicemail message with your name, phone number, and a short summary of the issue or problem you need help with. Let us know if you have a court hearing or grievance date already scheduled.
- We’ll call you back to learn more about your issue or problem, and to discuss how we might help you.
- Be prepared to answer questions about yourself, your household and/or family members, income, demographics, and other questions that will help us understand your issue and determine if we can help.
- Have all relevant documents close by so we can talk about them and help you as quickly as possible.
- We may ask you to send us documents by email, fax, or mail so that we can help you.
- All calls are strictly confidential.
- An intake call does not guarantee that we’ll be able to represent you. If we can’t help, we may be able to refer you to someone who can.
When You Become an LCD Client
If we are able to accept your case, we will confirm this with you. From this point, you will be able to connect directly with your advocate by phone, email or text. You and your advocate will discuss expectations and next steps. Please note that, due to limited in-person staffing, clients can only be seen at our offices if they have a scheduled meeting with their advocate.
Clients can reach us by phone, text, and email. We are able to work with clients in numerous languages including ASL through phone or in-person interpreters. As needed, LCD staff hold meetings at our office and conduct home or hospital visits.
Grievance Policy
If you have concerns about the service you receive from LCD, you can speak with someone about them.

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LCD is excited to announce our current open career opportunities! Director of Development Legal Director Paralegal...