LCD’s telephone and online intake provides individuals with the opportunity to access legal services from their home.
Additional Outreach & Services
We perform outreach to people with disabilities, lawyers, medical professionals, and social services agencies to educate them about legal issues facing people with disabilities and about the availability of our services. Through these programs, we continue to increase awareness of our mission and services in order to assist professionals and consumers alike to better address their disability-related legal needs.
Know Your Rights Clinics are provided in partnership with local community organizations and centers to host legal outreach events to empower community members to understand and utilize legal rights for common issues within LCD’s target population, such as how to address substandard housing conditions or defend against unlawful rental practices. Outreach partners have included neighborhood Community Development Corporations, social services providers, and other community-based organizations.
Supportive Decision-Making for Young Adults is essential for families of children with disabilities who are transitioning to adulthood. LCD works with healthcare teams at both St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia to assist families of young adults who require this support due to the nature and severity of their disability. By working with families in the pediatric setting before the young adult transitions to an adult provider, LCD ensures young adults and their families are able to secure Power of Attorney, declare a healthcare representative, or establish guardianship before the family experiences any interruption in the young adult’s care. LCD is fortunate to have an enthusiastic group of volunteer attorneys who assist families in obtaining the necessary documentation.

Now hiring!
LCD is excited to announce our current open career opportunities! Director of Development Legal Director Paralegal...